Video tutorial for folding a rose napkin for Mother’s Day

Impress your mum this year with a table set with elegant and charming folded napkins shaped like roses. Making a simple gesture full of meaning adds a special accent to the table and shows your love and creativity to best advantage.

Steps for folding a rose napkin:

Step 1: Prepare your materials

  • Select fabric napkins matching your mum’s favourite colours.
  • Also, you’ll need an iron for neat folds and a clean, spacious work surface.

Step 2: Start folding

  • Unfold the towel and lay it flat in front of you.
  • Fold the towel in half to form a triangle.
  • Start folding the napkin from the base of the triangle.

Step 3: Create the rose and petals

  • Take the cylinder you’ve formed and start rolling one end to form the centre of the rose.
  • Continue rolling the napkin, adjusting slightly to create the layers of petals.
  • Secure the bottom of the cloth napkin with your fingers to maintain the shape of the rose.

Step 4: Finish the rose

  • When you reach the end of the napkin, tuck the remaining edge under the base of the rose to secure the shape.
  • Gently adjust the petals to give them a more natural, delicate look.

Step 5: Place your rose on the table

  • Once you’ve finished folding your napkins into roses, carefully arrange them on the plates on your table for a spectacular effect.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the amazing mums out there!